The traditional classroom model assigns students to read textbooks and work on problems outside of the classroom while listening to lectures from instructors and taking tests in the classroom. This leads to frustration on the student's part when they don't understand the material and do not have the instructor to coach them through the lessons.
Flipped Learning changes the allocation of teacher time. The students first study the new topics by themselves using professionally developed eLearning courses. Students then apply the knowledge they've obtained by solving problems and doing practical work in class with the instructor as their coach.
Flipped Learning changes the allocation of teacher time. The students first study the new topics by themselves using professionally developed eLearning courses. Students then apply the knowledge they've obtained by solving problems and doing practical work in class with the instructor as their coach.
Flipping changes instructors from "Sage on the Stage" to "Guide on the Side" allowing them to spend more time coaching than lecturing.